Twenty-somethings, young moms, and children with Westfield sport's jackets populated the recently opened Koi boutique on North Avenue on recent trip to the store.
The boutique seems to be fitting in quite well with both Garwood and nearby Westfield shoppers.
It appears to be a great addition to the town and supplies an actual retail option in the borough to 'shop local' for gifts.
According to the store's facebook page the owners are the same as the J. Winthrop & Co. store in Westfield and a KOI boutique in Spring Lake.
Koi joins Rosie's Wine Bar and a handful of other stores in the increasingly crowded Pointe, just west of Downtown.
And fyi: check out their facebook page for coupons and other information on new items and sales.
Shop Local: Koi brings a hip option to North Avenue
This is a great store with a unique selection.