Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Should Garwood Reassess Borough Properties?

In 30 Years, Much has Changed.
Should a reevaluation of borough properties be done hand-in-hand with aggressive development efforts on North and South avenues? One Councilperson says yes.
According to a report in the Clark-Garwood Patch, Councilman James Mathieu says developers will shy away from the borough if they know they face high taxes because the rest of the town has not been reassessed in 30 years. Others say the reassessment will not lead to many changes in tax rates and will just be a costly process, the report says. Councilmember Mathieu also cited fairness and morality, making front page news at the venerable Westfield Leader.

1 comment:

  1. boy, this sounds like a perfect time for a good ol GW365 poll question....................
