In Print: Garwood Resident Slams Borough for Dumping Bulk Pick Up
Meet Marie J. Donnelly, she's a Garwood "Township" resident who's mad as hell- and apparently she's not going to take it anymore.
Read her Letter to the Editor in the Suburban News:
To the Editor:
In June of this year, Garwood eliminated bulk pick up due to budget cuts in local and state aid. To cut township services to balance the budget is a sign of a bad economy. To cut services without offering an alternative is a sign of a poor government.
Since our township is losing a tax-paid service, it would have been a proactive approach if the township could have provided and/or at least suggested an alternative to our bulk waste. The basic response by the township was “oh well, you’ll have to figure it out.”
Maybe arrangements could have been made with another town for Garwood residents to use their facilities, even if our residents had to pay a fee. Township officials could have used this opportunity to promote their concept of “government shared services.”
In the paper it was announced that Cranford has an annual township pickup for bulky household waste; which there is a permit fee for the town’s residents. However, this could have been a solution that Garwood should have investigated. This would have definitely been more of professional approach than a “shrug of the shoulders” by the township officials. Leaving the Garwood residents to deal with another economic/tax related budget issue is not good government.
Marie J. Donnelly
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